Monday, June 23, 2008

Songs to Powerize

Kind of off topic, but I’m a pretty big on running with music – which works out well considering Nike+ is a major component of my job. A statement that in itself is kind of awesome considering when most people describe components of their job they have to replace “Nike+” with “TPS reports”, or “putting numbers into boxes.” Score: me – 1, other people – 0.

Anywho, lately my unofficial Powersong has been “Ize of the World” by The Strokes. In general The Strokes make good running music, but the way “Ize of the World” kind of builds in intensity makes it a nice pick-up. By the time the song ends I’m typically in a full sprint trying to figure out why I’m on 125th and Broadway.

Until tonight I really had no idea what the song was about so I decided to check the lyrics, and surprisingly it’s more than just a cool beat. That’s it.

I think I know what you mean but watch what you say 'cause they'll be trying
to knock you down in some way. Sometimes it feels like the world is falling asleep.
How do you wake someone up from inside a dream?
Your mind would wander and search for its place in the night.
Your body followed this feeling like following light.
Once that your music was born it followed you 'round and then it gave
your activities meaning and let you be loud. You're sad but you smile.
It's not in your eyes. Your eyeballs don't change.
It's the muscles around your eyes.
An egg to fertilize,
A pulse to stabilize,
A body to deodorize,
A life to scrutinize,
A child to criticize,
Young adults
to modernize,
Citizens to terrorize,
Generations to desensitize.
Your dreams are sweet and obsessed and you're overworked.
You're overtaken by visions of being overlooked. How disappointed would
D.(ead) I.(dealistic) D.(esperate) I.(inventor) P.(ioneer) P.(hilosophers) be to see
such power in our hands all wasted on greed? Am I a prisoner to instincts
or do my thoughts just live as free and detached as boats to the dock?
Just like when music was born and detached from your heart.
Is your free time to free minds or for falling apart?
Night after night you turn out the light.
You don't fall asleep right away.
"Are we... are we done?"
A desk to organize,
A product to advertise,
A market to monopolize,
Movie stars to idolize,
Leaders to scandalize,
Enemies to neutralize,
No time to apologize,
Fury to tranquilize,
Weapons to synchronize,
Cities to vaporize.


Laura said...

That sounds great - I'm going to download and try it out for a run!

chia said...

Likewise, sounds like my cup of tea (which is just about anything :-)) Thanks!